Author: Silverton, Nancy
Brand: Villard
Color: Multicolor
Edition: 1st
Binding: Hardcover
Format: Illustrated
Number Of Pages: 288
Release Date: 05-03-1996
Details: Product Description A beautiful cookbook from the master baker of the brioche and creme fraiche custard that made Julia Child cry because, "It's a dessert to cry [over]; it's so good." The owner and chef of L.A.'s famous and successful La Brea Bakery reveals her magical recipes, adapted for home bakers. Before the baking even begins, Silverton takes the reader through the wonder of bread alchemy, then introduces readers to a wide range of recipes which range from the whimsical to the sublime. From the two-week process of creating the starter to the ingredients and equipment needed, to the required temperature control needed for the perfect loaf, beginner and advanced bread makers and bakers will enjoy this incredible, classic cookbook. Review Silverton, who hails from the renowned Los Angeles bakery for which this book is named, goes back to square one in Breads for the La Brea Bakery: the yeast. While commercial yeast may work, using it doesn't really get to the essence of good bread or good bread making. Her book describes the two-week process required to create a starter the old-fashioned way. Once that is done, there are breads, pretzels, bagels, and a host of other good things to bake. From Publishers Weekly Bread is beautiful when it is made with time, care and honest ingredients; the same is true of cookbooks, and this is a beautiful cookbook. Silverton, a world-class pastry chef and owner of L.A.'s Campanile restaurant and La Brea Bakery, offers breadmaking instructions so meticulous that one gets the feeling she's divulging valuable trade secrets. Her breads are sourdough breads that depend on sourdough starter, a simple combination of flour and water left out where it can catch wild yeasts. Silverton explains the 14-day, once-in-a-lifetime process of creating the starter and the ongoing process of maintaining it. She then describes the starter and its variations and shows how they can be incorporated into a variety breads. Specialties include Walnut Bread, Rustic Olive-herb Bread, Chocolate Sour Cherry Bread and Red Pepper Scallion Bread. Lists of equipment and sources of supplies are included. Her beautifully designed book will appeal to dedicated cooks and perfectionists who are patient and brave enough to make mistakes along the way to breads, rolls, focaccia, pretzels, bagels, waffles and even-woof-dog biscuits. Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc. From Library Journal Silverton and her husband (Mark Peel and Nancy Silverton at Home, LJ 2/15/94) are the chef/owners of Campanile restaurant and La Brea Bakery in Los Angeles. Silverton is a talented baker, both of sweets (Desserts by Nancy Silverton, HarperCollins, 1986) and savory baked goods. Here she offers the recipes for her popular breads and her extensive knowledge of bread baking. The subtitle might be "for the dedicated connoisseur" because every recipe but one relies on a basic starter that takes 14 days to get going (intended to be a one-time undertaking) and three "feedings" daily to maintain it, but ambitious bakers will certainly want to try Silverton's recipes. Others will find Amy Scherber and Toy Kim Dupree's Amy's Bread (LJ 4/15/96) a more accessible approach to the secrets of artisan baking, but the two books complement each other well, and Silverton's is another valuable addition to this growing genre. Highly recommended. Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc. Review Nowhere is the American urge toward quality and freshness more apparent than it is in bread making. And nowhere, in my experience, is the urge purer or more dedicated than in Nancy Silverton's Bread From the La Brea Bakery. -- The New York Times Book Review, From the Back Cover At almost any time of the day, people are lined up on the sidewalk outside the La Brea Bakery waiting to buy its extraordinary bread. Connected to Campanile, the successful Los Angeles restaurant, the bakery has grown by leaps and bounds since it opened in
Package Dimensions: 12.7 x 8.3 x 1.5 inches
Languages: English
Inventory Last Updated: Mar 14, 2025