WHERE PEOPLE COME TO COOK, THINK, SHARE. We offer FREE Recipes to everyone visiting our store. Click on the Tab below RECIPES. This site contains affiliate links to products we ourselves Love and Use in our own Personal and Professional Kitchens. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links, but that in no way shape or form does it sway our opinion on the products we recommend. In fact, if we do not like a product, we don't recommend it!


What does 5 knives mean? 

When only the best will do, sometimes we need a guide to direct us in our efforts to find that perfect product.



we take cooking and the products we use seriously.

For those that cook, you know how frustrating it can be at times to use something and struggle.

Cooking, for most, is a necessity.  But it doesn't have to be frustrating. It should be enjoyable.

From first hand experience, working with sub par equipment can not only ruin your day, but also can ruin your meal.

So here we are showing our favorite and dependable products we use in our own kitchens. These are products we love and use almost everyday.  

They do not break after a couple uses. They make our preparation's and cooking a breeze and fun.  And that is how cooking should be...everytime!

So look back often and check out our Products of the month. 

And if you have a product you love and use, drop us a line and let us know. We would love to hear from you and your thoughts.






The All Clad Roaster is one of the best Roasting Pans ever!


If you have ever wanted to make a perfect turkey, this perfect tool is a must!

Click here to see something your kitchen really needs